Do you love writing a beautiful diary daily? Are you looking for a very simple and easy way to use diary app? Secret Diary is made for You! Here you go, the Secret Diary fulfills it all!
❤ SECRET DIARY ❤ is a wonderful personal diary that allows you to organize everyday your life. It is also a strictly private diary which lets you lock your secrets with a password. All your secrets, feelings, thoughts, experiences and memories can be organized and managed in this single app. Use texts, pictures, notes and stickers to record the best moments of your private life!
Secret Diary is a very simple application to use which lets you write daily thoughts, ideas and memories with a simple user interface. Add a visual touch to your memories also attaching photos. Use all possible pictures, texts and audio notes that reflect your mood. Once you saved your data nobody can hack even you lost your phone!
✓ Set up a password to protect your secrets
✓ Change the password and settings of your secret password
✓ Possibility to enable and disable password
✓ Create, modify and delete a diary entry in a very simple way
✓ Diaries in daily view (soon calendar view, and list view)
✓ Daily view: manage a diary entry for a specific date, including:
- Rate your day giving from 1 to 5 hearts (including full hearts and also half hearts)
- Select private diary emoticons for each entry
- Attach pictures or photos to a journal entry (taken via camera or selected from your gallery)
- Slide the screen left or right to view neighboring diary entries
- Diary entries are auto saved when you exit
- You can add music for each note and listen music while you are writing notes.
✓ Multilingual UI in 10 languages (and we’re developing more and more language translations…)
✓ Different backgrounds available (some colors and some customized…)
✓ Different papers available (some colors and some customized sheets texture…)
✓ Possibility to adjust the level transparency of the sheets
✓ Different wonderful fonts available
✓ Modification of the font size, color and style
✓ Reminder functionality by notification (with time and daily set up customizable)
✓ Wonderful splashscreen (soon customizable)
✓ Backup your diaries to SD card
✓ Restore your diaries from SD card
If you have any kind of problem or suggestions about using this cute app, please use the Help Screen of the App or email us to We will reply to you as soon as possible.
★ Please, if is possible, rate SECRET DIARY and give us your feedback! ★
Enjoy and have fun! Play & enjoy with your friends and share all you want of "SECRET DIARY" on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Email, SMS and so on!
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">你喜欢每天写的美丽日记?您是否在寻找一个非常简单和容易的方式使用日记应用程序?秘密日记是给你做!在这里,你去了,秘密日记满足这一切!
- 给你的一天从1到5心中(包括完整的心,也半心)给予
- 选择为每个条目私人日记表情
- 将图片或照片到日记帐分录(通过相机拍摄或从图库中选择)
- 滑动屏幕左侧或右侧,查看周边日记
- 日记条目,当您退出自动保存
- 您可以添加音乐的每个音符,听音乐,而你正在写笔记。
★请,如果有可能,利率秘密日记,并给我们提供反馈! ★
享受和乐趣!播放与您的朋友欣赏和分享所有你想要的“秘密日记”在Facebook上,WhatsApp的,微博,邮件,短信等!</div> <div class="show-more-end">